At White House Medico Legal, we are dedicated to providing a medico legal reporting service that is unparalleled in its expertise and efficiency. Our team, composed of expert clinicians including Consultants, Physiotherapists, and Occupational Therapists, has been delivering bespoke and high-quality expert reports for several decades. Our services cover a wide range of needs, with a focus on Musculoskeletal and Neurological disorders, ensuring that we can provide the right expert for your case.
Years of experience
Expert witnesses in over 100 legal cases
Send us a enquiry and we would be happy to provide an initial view. Find an expert - is part of our modus operande.
Our business structure ensures you have the relevant support throughout the case.
We will work to your timescale and can have reports prepared within 2 weeks if required.
We will always supply an estimate of works whether a desktop case or a clinical assessment. We are 99% accurate and will notify you if our original estimate changes for unforeseen issues.