Consultant Physician in Chest Diseases and General Medicine
Dr. Howard has a wide experience as a Consultant Chest Physician for over 50 years and as a Medico Legal Expert in Respiratory Medicine for 30 years. He’s trained in the legal aspects of giving evidence in court and in the responsibilities of medical-legal reporting, a single joint expert and joint reports
Dr. Peter Howard has a wide range of experience in the field of Respiratory Medicine, and has published 130 major papers in peer reviewed journals on the subject of respiratory disease, as well as eight textbooks. He’s also the former head of department of respiratory medicine at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield, as well as the former managing editor of the European Respiratory Journal and European Respiratory Review. Dr. Peter Howard’s Specialist Areas of Work Allergies Oncology/cancers Occupational cancers (i.e. mesotheliona, lung cancer) Respiratory/chest diseases/injuries Industrial lung and dust diseases (i.e. pneumoconiosis) Asbestosis and all aspects of asbestos lung disease Asthma including irritant and sensitisation occupational asthma Personal injury and Fatal accident Inhalation injury Toxic gases Dusts and fumes Carbon monoxide Chest injury including chest wall pain Medical injury / Quantum Fatal respiratory accidents Workplace hazards (i.e. fire/explosion/chemical spills) Environmental issues Contaminated land Chemicals/materials Chemical hazards/incidents/adverse effect on drugs Tuberculosis Poisoning by ferrous and non ferrous metals Legionnaires disease and sequelae Medical negligence (as applied to respiratory disease)